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HomeBelizean Lifestyle3 Reasons to Open an Offshore Trust in Belize

3 Reasons to Open an Offshore Trust in Belize

Offshore trusts in Belize provide unmatched protection for your most valuable assets. Belize offshore trusts are free from being subjected to any liens in your home jurisdiction and offer tax exemptions on any profits or capital gains. Here are 3 ways opening an offshore trust in Belize can help you.

Asset Diversification

Asset diversification is becoming more and more important to the savvy investor. With economic markets becoming increasingly unstable, it’s best to secure your money with offshore investments to ensure that all your assets are not negatively impacted by economic changes in any one jurisdiction.

By diversifying your assets in multiple countries rather than just dividing it between various accounts and stocks within the same jurisdiction, you’re safeguarding your finances against future devaluation as well as any legal ceases.

Reserving Assets for Future Use

An offshore trust in Belize is a great way to safeguard and reserve your assets for future use. These uses can range from a will, to charitable donations, to a future fund for children. Offshore trusts allow you to safely reserve your assets within a legal obligation for the benefit of another – whether that beneficiary is a family member, loved one or charity.

Increased Privacy and Fewer Taxes

The privacy provided by an offshore trust is a big benefit settlors enjoy. When assets are placed into an offshore trust, they are no longer the property of the settlor. Should investors have assets that they don’t want to report to the government, they could place them into an international trust where they would have no obligation to report or declare the assets to their country’s government. Belize offshore trusts provide an added benefit to settlors as these Belize trusts are exempted by law income and corporate taxation. In Belize, there are no estate taxes, inheritance or succession taxes, gift taxes, nor stamp duties levied on any trusts.

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