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HomeBelizean RecipesCurry Johnny Cakes

Curry Johnny Cakes

This is a quick and easy local bread that can be served with Grace Luncheon Meat, Grace Potted Meat or any of your favorite sausages or other meats.

Preparation Time: 15 mins. | Cook Time: 120 mins


2lb flour
4 tbsp Grace Baking Powder
1/4 lb shortening
3 tbsp Malher Consome
2 tsp Grace Curry Powder
1 can Grace Coconut Milk Liquid


Preheat oven at 450F. Place flour in a bowl. Add Grace Baking Powder, Malher Consome, Grace Curry Powder and shortening. Gradually mix in Grace Coconut Milk to make a dough that is easy to handle. If dough looks or feel too soft, add a little bit more flour. Knead lightly into smooth dough. Cut dough into desired size, make into rounded Flatten a little. Add to a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake at 450F for about 15 mins until brown.

Recipe courtesy GraceKennedy (Belize) Limited.

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