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HomeBelize Real EstateAuction: Sea Front Condo Unit in San Pedro

Auction: Sea Front Condo Unit in San Pedro

BY ORDER of the Supreme Court of Belize, Sylvano Guerrero, will sell the following property with a reserve price on August 9th, 2023 at 10:00 AM onsite.

All that piece or parcel of land being strata lot with Parcel I.D. 7-42-3841(H51) containing 1461 square feet (Unit Entitlement) situated in Royal Palm Villas, San Pedro, Registration Section, Belize District.

Condominium is situated on the ground floor and contains two bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, an open space as kitchen/dining/living areas, half bath , and a utility room. In addition, it has a covered balcony overlooking the Caribbean Sea measuring 7 feet X 34 feet (238 square feet).

Royal Palm Villas is conveniently located approximately 1.5 miles South on the beach providing ocean views, and easy access to various resorts, restaurants, bars, and shops. It is a relatively quiet area catering to a number of income levels ranging from middle to upper income. All municipal utilities and services are present including electricity, piped water supply, telephone, cable services, hospital services, police and fire protection, postal delivery, garbage collection/ disposal, and street lighting from San Pedro Town. Additionally, owners can enjoy the private beach area in front of the complex along with the private freshwater outdoor pool with a perimeter sun deck. Lastly, transportation is also easily accessible via taxi services, bicycle, and golf carts.

The subject property is held by Land Certificate in the name of James Janmohamed.

Online Bidding now open. To find out more and start placing your bids visit https://madisons.bz/product/parcel-3841h51-san-pedro-registration-section/

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