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HomeBelizean LifestyleInvest in Belize with Belize IBC's, Trusts and Foundations

Invest in Belize with Belize IBC's, Trusts and Foundations

Belize Corporate Services Ltd. (BCS) is the leading offshore provider in Belize specializing in Belize IBC, Belize Trust and Belize Foundation formations. BCS has a global network of clients and professional intermediaries that benefit from their international financial services. Some such services include Belize IBC formations as well as other international company formations in BVI, Nevis, Panama, Hong Kong among several others; trustee and trust agent services; opening offshore bank accounts; opening online and offline securities brokerage accounts; visa credit, debit and prepaid cards; virtual office services; and bookkeeping services.

Belize Corporate Services is a full-service Belize offshore provider that can guide you through the entire process of Belize IBC, Belize Trust and Belize Foundation formations.

Belize IBC (International Business Company)

A Belize IBC is an offshore company formed under the laws of Belize as an untaxed company. However; the Belize IBC is not allowed to conduct business within the Belize jurisdiction. Belize IBCs provide many benefits to their owners including, but not limited to, low costs, confidentiality, tax exemptions, currency diversity and flexibility.

A Belize IBC is very affordable with the lowest annual licensing fee in the world at US$100. In comparison to other recognized offshore jurisdictions, Belize’s IBC annual licensing fee is US$250 cheaper.

IBC owners can enjoy the utmost confidentiality as Belize IBC’s do not require the owner’s name, address or any other personal information in order to be established. All that is required is the memorandum and articles of association, name of a registered agent and the address of the registered office.

Tax exemptions are probably the most sought after benefit of Belize IBC’s. International business companies enjoy total exemption from all taxes in Belize including stamp duty.

IBC’s can be opened and maintained in any currency. This allows for IBC owners to enjoy a peace of mind since all their investments aren’t dependent on only one economy.

Belize IBC’s provide the ultimate in flexibility for owners and shareholders as they do not need to be physically present in Belize to conduct business under the IBC’s name.

Apart from Belize IBC formations, BCS also provides complementary services like virtual office services, ready-made companies, and other corporate services.

Belize Trust

A Trust is formed when the owner of an asset transfers that ownership to another person or entity that then maintains and manages the assets for the benefit of another person. Belize Trusts allow for the legal ownership of the property to be distinguished separately, apart from the rights and benefits of said property.

Belize Trusts provide a host of benefits for settlors including exemption from income and business taxes, stamp duty and any estate or inheritance taxes; accommodation of multiple asset protection clauses; establishment of private trust companies; and exemptions from Belize trust audits.

Find properties in Belize that you can use to establish your Trust.

Why Invest in Belize?

Tax Free
Easy to Establish
Belize IBC
Belize Trust
Belize Foundation

Belize Foundation

A Belize Foundation is similar to Belize Trusts in the sense that they are set up by one entity and are maintained and managed for the benefit of another. Belize Foundations are becoming extremely popular among investors, as they can also be private for estate planning purposes. Private, Belize Foundations can also be established, which do not have legal requirements or any reporting responsibilities of registered, non-profit foundations.

Get expert legal advice from Estate Planning and Probate lawyers in Belize.

Offshore Banking Services

Belize Corporate Services Ltd. partners with the Belize Bank International to provide world-class offshore banking services to their clients. These Belize offshore banking services include the creation and maintenance of Euro, US Dollar, Sterling and other foreign currency bank accounts; online securities brokerage services; credit facilities; international debit, credit and prepaid cards; online banking; and online merchant acquiring services.

The minimum opening balance for a Belize offshore account is US$1000 or its equivalent. The main benefit of Belize offshore bank accounts is they allow clients to manage their finances from anywhere around the globe.

Offshore bank accounts in Belize are exempted from taxes and are free from any currency controls. These accounts are available to personal and corporate banking clients in USD, CAD, GBP and Euros. Clients can also open Certificate of Deposits from US$25,000 and higher for periods ranging from one to twelve months.

Belize Corporate Services is dedicated to providing the best offshore services to their clients. They will easily facilitate the formation of Belize IBC’s, Belize Trusts and Belize Foundations. Secure your investments, today, with BCS!

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