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HomeBelizean LifestyleMove Offshore Successfully with an Attorney

Move Offshore Successfully with an Attorney

When you think of doing any business offshore, finances immediately come to mind. But a financial institution shouldn’t be the only thing you think of. Moving your financial assets offshore should never happen without the help of a banking lawyer. Banking offshore has many advantages like tax exemptions, increased privacy and security for your assets. With these great advantages also come great risks. This is why you need to ensure you work with the right offshore financial services provider and a law firm with unmatched experience of the offshore laws of the specific jurisdiction.

How can a Belize law firm help you to move offshore?

They can assist you in moving your financial assets to Belize

One of the fundamental steps you need to take when venturing offshore is to research the jurisdiction you want to move your assets to. With thorough research, you’ll have a basic idea of the general laws governing offshore accounts in that country and the necessary requirements you need. Being foreign to the country and its customs and processes, you will never know every detail of successfully investing your assets there without expert advice. This is why you need to recruit the most competent lawyer and offshore provider in the jurisdiction to give you sound advice and guide you along the way.

Belize provides great opportunities for investors to grow their assets offshore, but there have been recent busts of fraudulent corporations mishandling funds. Unfortunately, this reality is true for many offshore jurisdictions as well. So it is extremely important to conduct your own due diligence on local corporations before entering in a relationship with them.

However, legitimate businesses do exist in Belize. The reduction in risks by having the right offshore provider and lawyer on your side is worth taking the extra time to conduct proper research into the right companies to hire.

They can assist you in retiring or living in Belize

Moving your assets offshore may just be a starting point for you, and your end goal is retirement in Belize. Belize is a great retirement destination as it provides a very reasonable standard of living while delivering a diverse cultural experience in a hidden tropical oasis.

To make retiring in Belize even more appealing to international retirees, the government of Belize developed the Qualified Retired Person’s Incentive Program (QRP) which includes provisions for retirees to be exempted from import duties when they move to Belize.

If you choose not to retire using the QRP, you can file for permanent residency via an application to the immigration office of Belize. These aren’t difficult processes to undertake, but if you don’t follow through the rather specific procedures you may be in trouble if you’re in the country illegally. Working with a lawyer can alleviate any problems that may arise by going it alone.

Belize is becoming an increasingly popular Caribbean destination and has long been appreciated for its offshore benefits. Get the help of experienced attorneys to help you establish a safe haven for your assets and your family in Belize!

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