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Protect Your Assets with a Belize Trust

What is an international trust?

A trust is a documented agreement that specifies the rules that must be followed for assets held in trust for your beneficiaries. An international trust is a trust that is established in a jurisdiction that is outside of where you (the settlor) currently reside.

Benefits of an international trust in Belize

Belize is booming a tax haven for offshore investors. There are many excellent international financial providers in Belize like Belize Corporate Services and International Financial Services that provide a host of offshore financial services including the formation and maintenance of Belize Trusts. There are also superb law firms in Belize that can assist with drafting up any legal documents to accompany the international trust. Here are some Benefits of establishing an international trust in Belize.

Protect Your Beneficiaries

Trust funds are often set up for younger beneficiaries (children), so that they are gradually introduced to family’s wealth when they are of age and responsible to manage it on their own. In this case a trust would be set up for the benefit of children. The settled funds of the trust, which is set aside for the beneficiaries, would not be affected should the settlor pass away or not be able to physically grant the funds to the beneficiaries. Even if the settlor has a will when he/she passes away, the trust is a separate legal entity that will continue to exist separately ensuring the beneficiary will always receive their assets.

Avoid Taxation

International trusts are a great way to avoid taxation on gift or estate taxes while passing on wealth to beneficiaries. By working with your tax planning lawyers and accountant, you can work out exactly how the international trust can be advantageous to you in the long run.

Asset Protection

By establishing an international trust in another jurisdiction with a separate legal entity can provide great protection against having your assets ceased by the government. This is an extremely important factor for investors who are in a politically sensitive jurisdiction or where exchange controls are likely to be introduced in the future or any state action that could cause your assets to be taken away from you by the government.

International trusts provide a host of additional benefits like privacy. In tax havens like Belize, who has taken legislative measures to protect the interests of a trust beneficiary, there are laws in placed that are designed to attract foreign investors. Assets owned by a trust in Belize do not have to be located within Belize’s jurisdiction. For example, a Belize trust may have the assets located in the Cayman Islands. These factors provide the highest security for your beneficiary and their assets.

Contact a Belize lawyer and offshore financial provider to form an International trust today!

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