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HomeBelizean LifestyleTax Havens: Belize IBC Formations

Tax Havens: Belize IBC Formations

Invest in Belize and enjoy all the perks of conducting business in a tax haven. In 1990, Belize passed its International Business Companies Act which is based heavily on that of the British Virgin Islands and allows for the formation of Belize IBCs.

An International Business Company or IBC is an untaxed offshore business that is formed under the laws of another jurisdiction. IBCs are a convenient, private and tax efficient way of conducting offshore transactions and provides asset protection.

Belize IBCs (International Business Companies) are normally exempt from all local corporate taxes and can issue shares from the business to a set of shareholders from anywhere in the world except Belize. The IBCs directors and employees can also be from anywhere around the world and not necessarily be working from within Belize. Although it is not necessary to have the business physically located in Belize, there can be a local registered agent in the country if the business owner(s) desire. Because the Belize IBC is exempt from corporate taxes, they are not permitted to conduct business with other companies in the country.

Belize IBCs are a great means of achieving profitable offshore investments but there are some limitations to how these International Business Companies can conduct business in Belize. They are restricted from conducting any business in Belize using the IBC name which includes owning real estate in Belize, holding shares in a local company or having Belizean shareholders in the IBC.

Belize IBC formations are fast and easy to create, especially with the help of Belize Corporate services who specialize in Belize IBC, foundation and trust formations. Here are some benefits of creating a Belize IBC.

  • Tax-freeExempt from all forms of taxes in Belize including stamp duty
  • No currency barriersThere are no foreign exchange controls as Belize IBCs are free to open and maintain any currency account
  • FlexibleBelize IBCs provide flexibility. IBCs can have only one director. Shareholder meetings do not have to take place in Belize. IBC’s are free to migrate in and out of Belize and can be incorporated in any language.
  • Speedy RegistrationThere is a fast registration process of Belize IBCs as they are normally incorporated within 24 hours of the submission of the constitutive documents and fees.
  • AffordableBelize IBCs are affordable with an incorporation and annual license fee at USD $100.
  • ConfidentialBecause only the memorandum and articles of association along with the name of registered agent and the address of the registered location are necessary when filing for an IBC, the owners are guaranteed the highest privacy and confidentiality when conducting business.
  • Small marketThere is no need to worry about your company name being taken since Belize has a very small market of IBC’s currently registered.

Visit Belize Corporate Services for more information on Belize IBC formations. If you need legal help, select a reputable lawyer from our list.

Download your own copy of the Belize IBC Act.

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