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HomeBelizean LifestyleThe True Value of Offshore Banking in Belize

The True Value of Offshore Banking in Belize

2020 marks the 30th anniversary of Belize’s International Financial Services Industry. Presently, Belize provides world-class financial services targeted toward the international investors with the formation of international business companies, international trusts, offshore foundations, open ship registry, foreign exchange and securities trading, and many other ancillary services.  We recommend International Corporate Services and Belize Corporate Services for your offshore investments in Belize.

Why choose Belize for your offshore banking?


Belize is easily accessible to major countries like the United States, Mexico, Canada, UK and more. Despite being a part of Latin America, Belize boasts English as its official language making it very easy for the English-speaking investors to conduct business.

Tax efficient

All interests earned on offshore accounts and other investments are paid without tax deductions. Should you transfer savings and investments from your own home country, you can reduce the taxes due there every year. If you choose to retire in Belize, you can work with these financial institutions to mo e your 401K account to Belize in order to fund your retirement.


There’s no need for you to leave your home country to open an offshore account. You can communicate with your offshore provider via a secure internet connect, e-mail, or telephone. They also issue ATM cards for you to access your funds.


It is not required by law for the owners of Belize international business companies or offshore accounts to be openly disclosed, unless in the case of a criminal investigation. Customer confidentiality is considered as highest importance for financial institutions and is bounded by strict laws that protect the non-disclosure of client information.

Belize Offshore Banking

Offshore banking is completely legal and is becoming even more main stream. More and more investors are seeing the additional benefits, aside from tax-breaks, of establishing their assets offshore. Because you’ll need to know the specifics of Belize’s jurisdiction as its concerned you’re your investments, you should always seek legal advice from local lawyers to ensure you are conducting business within the realms of Belize’s laws. Courtenay Coye LLP is a Belize law firm with highly recommended banking attorneys.

It is best to rely on your own knowledge, so always do your own research and ensure that investing in Belize will provide all the financial benefits you’re looking for.

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