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Why Heroes Matter

Most of us know the basic life story and contributions of George Price, Phillip Goldson, Samuel Haynes among other historical figures. Well today on Heroes’ and Benefactors Day, their works and accomplishments along with those of other notable Belizean artists, were brought to the forefront in an exhibit. It was launched this morning at the House of Culture and Courtney Weatherburne explores the importance of celebrating Belize’s Heroes.

Lord Rhaburn, Performer
“In my mind that this will go on forever right, when I leave here it will be here for the kids to see and what I leave behind I hope that they keep it going.”

Courtney Weatherburne reporting
Lord Rhaburn’s legacy will certainly live on through his music. As Belize’s Calypso King, Lord Rhaburn’s songs and performances are cultural cornerstones.

He is one of many Belizean icons who were honored today at Belize’s Heroes, Patriots and Benefactors Exhibit.

Apart from the historical giants like George Price, Phillip Goldson and Belize’s benefactor Baron Bliss, other notable artistic figures were also celebrated. Robert “Bob” Reneau was a choreographer – a true master of folklore dance.

George Gabb, was a famous sculptor, poet and storyteller. His most notable piece was the Sleeping Giant.

The Garinagu owe it to artist, Benjamin Nicholas for celebrating and showcasing their culture through his paintings.

And Belize’s literary landscape would never be the same without Zee Edgell’s inspiring works.

Today the ribbon was cut for all these Heroes.

Adele Catzim -Sanchez, CEO, Youth, Sports, Culture
“Unlike Spiderman and Superman and Wonder Woman, who are all characters of Hollywood, Here’s are mostly ordinary humans who live extraordinary lives. These are people whose stories prompt us to live deliberately, not by chance but to choose how we live our lives, to see and to feel that our life can have a meaning and a purpose that is bigger than ourselves.”

Selene Solis, Senior Research and Education Officer, ISCR, NICH
“The exhibit has been separated into two gallery spaces this year, the first space as you walk in to the House of Culture you will find people who have contributed to building Belize, Heroes’ Patriots and Benefactors that is the first gallery space, then you will walk around and see biographical panels that contain images and information about the lives of each of those individuals , as you transition into the second gallery space, we are calling the cultural and heritage galley, there you will see people who have contributed specifically to cultural heritage, promoting culture, promoting the arts in Belize.”

“This exhibit is geared primarily to the students, we want the general public to be aware of the contributions and the accomplishments that each of these individuals that we are featuring in this exhibit have made to nation building right in their different sectors.”

And it is only through learning about and highlighting these prominent figures that the younger generation can aspire to accomplish what they have and more – so that in 25 years, their children will have new heroes to learn about.

The exhibit is open to the general public up until March 31st when the exhibit will go on a countrywide tour.

Source: 7NewsBelize.com

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